Load Raw Image Array

Access: CP::MenuBar::Function::Raw Image Loader

Raw Image Loader can open a header-ed image array, thereby enhancing the flexibility in the data-format support (beyond MRC, Imagic, Spider and TIFF) of PARTICLE.

In a header-ed image array, the data file starts with a "header" that contains information such as the image dimension, byte-order (endian), and data precision, followed by pixel/voxel values organized in a multi-dimensional array.  Because the header definition varies from one image format to another, customized (and sometimes even proprietary) functions are required in accessing the header information.  However, assuming that the user has specific knowledge (or through experimentation) about the size of the header, the dimension and the precision of the image data, Raw Image Loader can skip the header information in the file and directly import the data array to a chosen editor (IMG, PTK, or MAP).

The data endian, which depends on the hardware architecture of a particular computing platform, can be experimented in Raw Image Loader as well.

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