Particle Classification

Access: CP::3D Model::Classification (Tab)

In ab initio single-particle 3D reconstruction, raw particle images from similar projection orientation are first grouped into classes (a.k.a. clusters) to enhance the SNR of the averages, which serve as the source for particle angular reconstitution or RCT model reconstruction.  PARTICLE is equipped with unbiased classification algorithms that eliminate the need of particle alignment.

Classification Methods & Parameters

PARTICLE offers a variety of methods for 2D image classification:

And the relevant functional parameters include:

Activating the Classify button will initiate the process of particle classification.  Upon completion, two output parameters will be displayed:

Class Editor

Particle class averages can be opened in the PTK-Editor via the montage button (an icon next to the "Main Class" name-box).  The class averages in the editor can then be inspected and modified by the following functional buttons in the group:

Data for Reconstruction

Following particle classification, 3D model reconstruction can proceed with the class averages.  Or, in model refinement, the angular alignment of individual class members can be initialized through their associated class averages.  The source images for model reconstruction and refinement may come from (listed in the pull-down menu)

The Export button will output the specified particle stack to the "modeling/" folder in the project space for the subsequent 3D model reconstruction and refinement.

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