Particle Alignment

Access: CP::3D Model::Alignment (Tab)

2D Alignment Parameters

Particle images in a stack can be aligned either to the stack sum or a set of references.  The function is selected from the pull-down menu Method:

Other input parameters for particle alignment include:

Activating the Align button will initiate the process of particle alignment.  Upon completion, the result will be displayed at

The Stat. button, when activated, will plot a chart to summarize the alignment statistics (C.C. scores and in-plane translation distribution) for further analysis.  Particle alignment parameters can be imported to and/or exported from PARTICLE, and the particle alignments can be synchronized onto its original micrograph to improve centering of the particles for re-boxing.  These functions (Import, Export, Center and Clear) are accessible at the menu-bar from CP::MenuBar::Function::Particle Alignment.

Alignment Editing

In single-particle analysis, sometimes multi-fold binned particle frames are used at the beginning to achieve higher SNR in the images as well as faster processing.  Then, in the final phase of model reconstruction and refinement, particle images at the original resolution will be restored and the alignment parameters determined from the binned frames can be assigned to the images for additional processing.  The alignment editing functions and parameters are


In the conventional paradigm of single-particle classification, particle images will first be aligned and then be subjected to pixel-based PCA analysis (as implemented in the ALNC method).  Hence, the outcome of a particle classification critically depends on the accuracy of particle alignment, which might contain substantial error in cryo-EM images with intrinsically low SNR.  In contrast, the CLAX classification methods of PARTICLE do not require image pre-alignment and therefore can eliminate such error and bias.  Still, particle alignment functions have been implemented in the package to be utilized at the investigator's discretion.

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